100 Powerful Motivation Quotes

Powerful Motivational Quotes Life often hits us with one thing after another. Our boss reprimands us for not reaching a deadline, an unexpected expense arises that puts us behind on our rent, a family member becomes ill, and setbacks abound that seem almost hostile in nature. It’s hard enough to organize our thoughts as it is, but even harder to find the energy to solve our problems. Sometimes, it seems like we just can’t get a break. But the problem really arises when challenges such as this mount. When that happens, we become overwhelmed and are most at risk of quitting on our dreams and goals. Everyone feels like quitting at some point, get under the blanket and completely ignore everyone and everything. It happens to the best of us, but know that this “escape” is temporary. You should allow yourself a break every now and then; you need to recharge in order to start fresh, but never allow that break to last for too long and turn you into a q...