I went to the side of the sea, sitting there and looked at the sea, I saw the sea's water was never stable. Our mind is also the sea, in which our wishes are never completed. We have to keep peace in our mind.
> It is very important to earn money and save money, but saving money is more important than earning money. A person who specializes in the art of accumulating wealth never outperforms in the future and is living a normal life even in the most difficult times. Conversely, a person who spends an unaccounted amount of money is called unintelligent. Such a person keeps on rubbing hands in the hour of trouble. > To earn money one has to take risks and one who faces challenges in life is always successful. So take the risk, don't panic. Whatever the profession, risk plays a greater role in success. > Lakshmi is considered to be fickle. Therefore, money should be used according to the right place and right time. It should be used as a means. Because a person who spends money for a wrong purpose or for a Ayashi is destroyed after a time. > According to Chanakya, if a person has to take the path of wrongdoing for money or t...
1. Find out what to do first. How are you supposed to build the right happiness skills if you don't know which ones you are struggling with in the first place? This is why it's helpful to take a quiz to explore your happiness strengths and weaknesses. Get a better understanding of what these skills are all about, and learn how to improve upon your weaknesses and build your "happiness strengths." 2. Give yourself a confidence boost. Why would you bother increasing your happiness if you didn't think you could be successful at it? You wouldn't. That's why it's so important to build your self-efficacy — to prove to yourself that you can increase your happiness. The best way to do this is by starting with easier skills — skills like gratitude or prioritizing spending time doing fun things. Get a quick win, and you'll be more confident that you really can change your life. 3. Fuel your progress by learning how to feel better about yourself. You wouldn...
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